At Breage C of E School we view the design of the curriculum as an evolving and fluid process which takes into consideration: the needs and character of our children; the children’s prior learning; children’s experiences; the community in which school exists, the statutory curriculum (National Curriculum) and educational research which is evaluated and relevant to our school. Our current curriculum develop sets out to inspire, engage and challenger our learners so that they know more, remember more and understand more over time.
The Curriculum Intent
The intent of our school curriculum is to deliver a curriculum which is accessible to all, develops academic achievement and enables all children to flourish.
Intention 1 - To build a curriculum with reading at its core, which develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge so that they know more, remember more and understand more.
It is our view that reading is the pathway to learning and it is at the centre of everything we do at Breage C of E School. It is our intent that reading inspires, engages and challenges pupils and we aim to develop key skills to enable all children to become fluent and confident readers. We aim to promote a love of reading across all ages so that children access high quality texts across the curriculum, encounter rich & varied vocabulary and develop their comprehension skills. We want reading to develop as a transferable skill which will enable pupils to become inquisitive, improve their spoken and written literacy skills and become lifelong learners.
Intention 2: To build a curriculum which ensures children know right from wrong, celebrate diversity and are equipped to live well and flourish so that they know more, remember more and understand more.
Our intent is to design a curriculum which results in children developing crucial life-skills and positive moral traits, so they understand their role within the community and wider world. To understand what it means to be a British Citizen or, someone from another country who lives in Britain. To be aware of the rule of law, tolerance and being mutually respectful whilst understanding what it means to live in a democracy and to have individual liberty. To experience cultural capital and to use this to make links across their learning. We want our curriculum and learning experiences to enable pupils to combat prejudice, live well with others and develop skills for lifelong learning.
Intention 3: to build a curriculum that empowers children to understand how they learn so that they know more, remember more and understand more.
Our intent is to develop pupils' understanding of how they learn so that these skills are transferrable and can be applied across a range of contexts both in school and later in life.